Apr 29, 2011


Hey guys,

So, as alluded to previously, I spent Sunday sightseeing around Parliament with Ale's Italian friends.  All the normal pics of the building are from the other side, across the river.  While this view is of course gorgeous (and I get to see it every night when I leave the office!) I think it's still pretty impressive from the other side as well

Some facts:
  • The spire is 96m high (the same height as Saint Istvan's Basilica), alluding to Budapest's founding in 896
  • It's the largest and oldest Parliament building in Continental Europe (being just barely beaten on both counts by the one in London)
  • The architect went blind before it was completed, and never actually got to see it finished.  Sad!

 Those are some pretty haughty looking lions . . .

Of course, not to be outdone by the Parliament, the entire area has gorgeous architecture:

The day was a little grey, but spring has come for sure:

This is the building across the street.  I have no idea what it is, but it has awesome statues on top of it, and that's enough for me

Again, no idea what this building is.  For all I know it's just an apartment building

And yes.  Statues.  Statues everywhere.  Man I love this city

Anyways, sorry I don't have more pictures.  For some reason I was off that day, most of my pics ended up fuzzy =/.  Also, we showed up too late to tour the inside (last tour leaves at 2pm), so that's on the list of thigns to do later
Hope you enjoy these anyways!

Noah out


At April 29, 2011 at 10:41 PM , Blogger Michael Burnap said...

I will wait for more pictures as well as an explanation of what those statues on top of the building in picture no. 5 are. Gotta be a great story inn there somewhere and now my curiosity is piqued.

And yes, very haughty lions but hey King of Beasts - should be haughty

At April 29, 2011 at 11:44 PM , Blogger Riley said...

Ahh, I love those lions!

At May 3, 2011 at 8:28 AM , Blogger kleos+patros said...

Those purple flowers are so neatly planted! Ah, order. Parliament buildings make me so happy.


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