Apr 24, 2011

Secret Park!!!

Ok, maybe not a "secret" park.  But an unexpected one, to be sure
After visiting the market, I decided to wander around Moskva Ter station for a bit.  And, tucked away behind a giant American-style shopping mall, i found this absolutely gorgeous little park/plaza.  That's one thing I love about Budapest--in the most random places, you'll find space put aside for a park or a square or a statue or something else that has no reason but to be kind of awesome.  Come to think of it, a lot like Seattle in that regard . . .

Here was my first glimpse of the park.  Or, as I put it, "wait . . . what the hell is that thing?"

But I climbed up to look at the rest of the park, and it really is very delightful.  Pictures don't do it justice, but it really is nice to have this space in the middle of a crowded station

Here's a closer shot of that pool.  The wind was blowing really hard, so the whole surface was rippling.

Like I said, no purpose to this entire plaza other than art and class and just kind of being neat

Also, the trees were in their own little sunken islands!  I don't know why, but I found this particularly awesome

And of course, no park is complete without a playground.  Especially on a sunny Saturday afternoon

But wait!  Apparently, the playground in the picture above is only the show playground, for tourists or something.  Tucked behind a cafe, hidden in the shadows, is the real playground.  That's right, the already secret park has an even more secret playground.  I only got this close for the picture, I can only assume that if I had gotten any closer I would have been asked to show and ID card or give a password.  This place looked  exclusive

Anyways, there we have it.  Moral of the story?  Wander around a bit!  Parks show up in the unlikliest of places

Noah out


At April 25, 2011 at 8:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sunken tree islands built into the pond are mos def the coolest part.


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