Apr 16, 2011

Moskva Ter Market!

Hey guys,

So yeah, markets.  Kind of my thing.  So how awesome is it that there's a very good one right here in Moskva Ter, the main station in my part of town?  On Saturdays, they're open until 2.  Pretty perfect, yeah?  Hopefully I'll be able to make it something of a weekend thing--head to the market Saturday morning to buy food for dinner through the weekend :)

It's smaller than the central market, but in many ways feels much more like a true Farmer's Market.  Take a look:

And of course, it had all the requisites, plus a few extras:

Like I said, Hungarians do love their meat

Of course, it's getting to be the season for beautiful flowers.  Don't know if you can tell from the picture, but all these tulips are juuuust about ready to open.  In a few days, they'll be gorgeous

Maybe it's just cuz I'm from Seattle, but it seems to me it's not a true market unless there's someone selling honey!

And, something that I actually think the Central Market Hall didn't have:  Good cheese shops!

And finally . . . there's just no way this isn't amazing, top-quality vintage wine.  I'm sure of it

So yeah, a very nice way to start the weekend off.  Cheers!

Noah out


At April 16, 2011 at 7:37 AM , Blogger Irene said...

Wow, so many things are the same! Especially the flowers, impatiens, marigolds, petunias, geraniums, snap dragons. It must be about the same climate as the PNW. I also see there are green onions -- that surprised me because I remembering hearing that you never see them in Italy. It will be fun to see what the summer brings! About that wine, it looks like they are in reused plastic soda bottles! I don't know.


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