Apr 16, 2011

Lettuce wraps!

Hey guys,

So for dinner tonight I made lettuce wraps.  I guess a combination of Souteast Asian and Korean--just ground pork (Hungarians like their pork*, so you can find it ground no problem, unlike in America) stir-fried with garlic, shoyu, and sesame, with a handful of green onions thrown in at the end just to wilt.  I didn't have any kochujang, so I used sriracha instead, and then ate them in lettuce wraps with sliced onions that I'd soaked in water

*Historically, the reason why pork is the main meat in Hungary is that this area was once ruled by the Turks,  When they left, they took most of the cattle and other livestock, but of course left behind all the pigs.  History . . . it's more important than you think!

Anyways, the plan was to take a picture so that I could show all you guys.  But then umm, long story short, I got distracted and ate it all.  Whoops!  So here's a picture of the aftermath
P.S. Isn't that great looking lettuce?  While some of the produce isn't great (the green onions at the grocery store were pretty pathetic, wish I'd picked some up at the market--would have been cheaper too) the lettuce at least is gorgeous

Anyways, hopefully I'll be able to post actual photos of food in the future.  Because that's what you signed up for when you agreed to read my blog :P

Noah out


At April 17, 2011 at 12:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, I'm hungry.

At April 17, 2011 at 3:59 AM , Blogger Noah said...

Hah! Bet you'd be even more hungry if I'd actually managed to take a picture of the food :P


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