Jun 7, 2011

Random book festival. Yes, you read that correctly

 So, while wandering around Budapest the other day (as has been discussed before, the "wander" is by far my preferred method of locomotion) I stumbled upon what could only be described as a book fair, in the middle of one of the more busy/touristy sections of town.  Bizarre, but also awesome

As you can imagine, it was just a series of stalls set up in the middle of a square, presumably each one from a different publisher peddling its wares:

Many of the stalls had multilingual sections.  In fact, I saw a couple with a half-dozen languages represented:

However, by far the most amusing was the one stall with nothing but comic books, all translated into Hungarian.  This first caught my eye:
 Which, really, makes perfect sense.  I'm pretty sure that being fed up with office work transcends all borders and languages

Even more amusing, they had a selection of anime and manga, all translated into Hungarian as well!  (a lot of the ones that are super popular in the US were represented here as well)

 And it goes beyond just subbing or dubbing DVDs, they went all the way through and translated the manga as well!
(I imagine some of you already recognize the scene)

But the coolest for me, that I was almost tempted to buy, were the Hungarian translations of Batman comics.  I kind of regret not buying them, actually . . . would have been an awesome souvenir

Hush (part 1 of, bizarrely 3--apparently they split it up differently in Hungary?) 
And one of my personal faves, Arkham Asylum (i.e. from back when Grant Morrison still respected the character.  Yeah, I said it.  Batman, Inc. sucks)

Anyways, there will be more pictures of, you know, actual sightseeing and junk later.  But come on.  Book fair!!

Noah out


At June 8, 2011 at 2:13 PM , Blogger Irene said...

Hey, now I know what you were doing when I pooped out and decided I had to sit at the nearest sidewalk cafe when I realized I was tooooo tired to keep going!

At June 8, 2011 at 6:12 PM , Blogger Michael Burnap said...

So what scene is that familiar one you referred to? I am anything but a manga/graphic novel cognoscenti.

At June 9, 2011 at 12:26 AM , Blogger Noah said...

Haha it's not an iconic or famous scene or anything like that, but a bunch of my friends enjoy that anime/manga and would recognize it immediately (spoiler: One of the characters on that page dies like two pages later)


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