Jun 2, 2011

(hint: It's a Hungarian composer)

Hey guys,

Still haven't really done anything exciting since coming back to the city.  I know, this is a terrible disservice to all of you that rely on my blog for your entertainment and life fulfillment.  Umm . . . I'll get back to that?

But I thought I should share something, so check this out.  Coolest logo I've seen in a while:
Some very clever advertising person came up with this.  Super cool :D

Noah out


At June 3, 2011 at 11:08 AM , Blogger Riley said...

I feel dumb... I don't get it. Help?

At June 3, 2011 at 11:12 AM , Blogger Noah said...

It's an add for an exhibition or something for a famous Hungarian composer. You don't have to speak Hungarian, you should recognize the name . . .


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