May 23, 2011

Batthyany Ter

Hey guys,

It occurs to me, I've been all around the city, posted pictures of all sorts of cool stuff, but never bothered showing you guys one of the prettier areas in town--Batthyany Square, right where I work
Named after Lajos Batthyany, the first Prime Minister of Hungary (final words before being shot by the firing squad of the Austrian Empire, against whom Hungary was rebelling:  "Rejoice, my homeland, come on you hunstmen!"), this square is right on the river and, like most of this city, boasts some pretty spectacular scenery

To the North, a statue of Batthyany:
Or maybe it's a statue of someone else?  Who knows?  Statue.  That's what's important

To the West, the market hall:

To the South, Szent Anna-templon (Church of St. Anne):

To the East, that fantastic view of the Parliament across the Danube:

And of course, the view from our office balcony:

Not a bad spot, if I do say so myself



At May 31, 2011 at 8:10 AM , Blogger Michael Burnap said...

Three guys in plain white shirts - no jacket and ties (for the 2 wearing ties) askew. Noah, looking stylish, jacket on, French blue shirt with tie to accent the shirt. Well done.


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