Jun 26, 2011

NoahandMominPrague, part 5: Final Miscellany

Hey guys,

One last post from Prague, just cleaning out all the rest of my camera.  It was a great trip!

Mom and I went into an absinthe bar, which was pretty cool.  Best selection of absinthe I've ever seen, for sure:
Actually, we saw a couple absinthe bars . . . is absinthe popular/prevalent/native to Czechoslovakia?  I suppose wikipedia would know . . .
[edit:  Yup, historically popular in Prague, largely due to the artists' scene]

 Also, they had this picture on the wall which is just too adorable:

Speaking of bars, the bar in the hotel had mirrors on the ceiling angled so that you could see the bartenders working.  I thought it was interesting--plus I had perfect timing on this picture, which I think was funny :D

Thought I'd put up a pair of shots from one the churches we visited--been in a lot of churches these past few months, but this may in fact have been the most purely opulent interior.  Truly impressive:

Also, you didn't really think that I'd go this long without posting pictures of food, did you?  Czech food is interesting, fairly similar to Hungarian--very heavy on the meats, pork being predominant.  Really hearty food, that's for certain

For dinner one night Mom and I simply went to a pub and got a great deal on a giant, slow-roasted pig trotter.  Mmm, delicious.  Those traditionally "cheap" cuts of meat are still just as tasty, you just gotta take your time cooking them, that's all

(as a side note, I love pickled peppers, especially when they're good and spicy like this one was.  Perfect accompaniment to the pork)

Also, they have Langos in the Czech Republic!  Prepared, as you can see, by Fabio's sketchy Eastern-European cousin
 The texture on the langos was perfect, and you can see that they were serving them practically right out of the oil, which was delicious. However, instead of sour cream they tried to put ketchup on mine.  No thanks, I opted for the cheese alone
Incidentally, from watching the way they handled the dough I'm guessing that langos dough is very similar to pizza dough.  Probably not identical, but got to me to thinkign how it might work to deep-fry pizza dough.  Maybe I can get Alix to bring some for me from work once I get back to Seattle . . .

And finally . . . Two-Face Dog!!!!
Well . . . I thought it was worth taking a picture

Anyways, that's all from Prague.  Still plenty of things to post about from Budapest though, so I'll be back later.  Thanks,

Noah out


At July 20, 2011 at 6:36 AM , Blogger Michael Burnap said...

That pig trotter and the knuckles you two had in Prague and Budapest resulted in lots of experiments with the birthday present I am sure resulted from your culinary tours - a rotisserie attachment for the Weber Charcoal Grill - Awesome. But awesomer yet - we have been exploring the rotisserie techniques for Pig Knuckles - who knew they were so tasty. Thanks for taking your mom to such great places for foodie ideas!!!!

At July 20, 2011 at 6:37 AM , Blogger Noah said...

Glad to be of assistance! Now, figure out where to purchase and how to prepare those fantastic pickled peppers, and we're in business

(sadly, I expect those types of peppers do not exist outside of Hungary--maybe I'll pick up some seeds . . .)


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