Jun 11, 2011

Castle hill! (finally during the day)

Hey guys,

So, finally made it to Castle Hill during the day.  I've been a couple times at night (you've seen some of those pictures--the one I put up for my hitatus, and all the ones from the palinka festival) and while it's absolutely gorgeous at night, there's a ton of cool stuff to see during the day (and the pictures come out better too)

We started by taking the little tram up the hill.  Yeah it's a little touristy (and, by Budapest transport standards, expensive) but it's actually pretty fun.

Here's the view from the bottom . . .
 . . . and a view almost from the top

Castle Hill has the absolute best view of the city.  Which . . . makes sense, when you think about it.  If you were a king, wouldn't you pick that spot for your castle?  Not like you're the one hauling stones up the hill

As would be expected, the statuary up at the castle is absolutely gorgeous

By the way, I noticed this at Parliament and I'll note it here as well:  Apparently, Hungarian lions are just really, really haughty

 (This one kinda looks like ClaudiusScar, doesn't it?)

 And finally, take note ladies and gentlemen, this is how you make a fountain.  God that is so manly.  Just looking at it makes you want to grow a moustache
(click to zoom in)

 A few more pics of the other side of the hill, I'll try to get those up later.  Cheers!

Noah out


At June 23, 2011 at 1:35 AM , Blogger Riley said...

You need reddit-style upvote buttons or facebook-style "like" buttons, because I want to upvote/like all these pictures, but I'm too tired/lazy to think of worthwhile complete-sentence comments.

At June 23, 2011 at 1:36 AM , Blogger Noah said...

Aww, thanks! I think? ;)


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