Apr 10, 2011

Music in the metro station

On the way home today, a pair of musicians were playing in the Metro station--one on guitar, one on violin.  I dropped off 2000 forint (a bit over $10) and spent an hour listening to them play

We talked, even though I don't speak more than a few words of Hungarian or they of English.  They played the most beautiful music.  Happy music, sad music, dancing music . . .

A fourth person, perhaps a friend of theirs, disappeared and came back with four beers.  So we toasted, and I shared a beer with three strangers, with whom I did not share more than a half a dozen words in common

And when I left, the violinist, with his weathered face and elegant mustache, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek

Best 2000 forint I could have possibly spent

Noah out


At April 12, 2011 at 7:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So poetic! I love this. You'll always remember that day.

At April 13, 2011 at 2:02 PM , Blogger Noah said...

I will. Kindness and beauty show up when you least expect them


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