Apr 8, 2011

My office!

Hey guys,

So, I thought I'd how you guys a few pictures of my office!  I love it here

So, the office itself is actually in an apartment building.  This seems weird, but it's actually fairly common in Budapest, especially on the Buda side of the river.  Some people complain about how it "doesn't feel like a real office" (especially compared to the Zagreb office, which is very much a classic office--glass walls, fluorescent lighting, etc. etc.) but I love it.  High ceilings, big doorways, nice lighting, hardwood floors . . . to me, it makes a big difference.  Classier, and in a way a bit homier too :)

The facade of the building is nothing special (just looks like any other apartment building) so I skipped it, but here's the entryway and the stairs up:
In case it doesn't come through in the pic, the floors and stairs are all marble.  Like I said, much more class than boring corporate carpet

Here's the walkway to actually get to the office (you can maybe see our plaque at the very end)
We're on the third floor, which makes for a nice view down into the courtyard as I walk to the office door

As for in the office, here we go.  All the people I work with, including my immediate boss, sit together in the same big room (there's another big room, a private office, a conference room and a kitchen as well, but since I spend 90% of my day in this room I figured they weren't important)

That's my desk, in the corner in the third picture.  Pretty sweet spot, right?  I usually open the window for a breeeze

Oh yeah, and if that weren't cool enough . . . check the view outside my window
This picture was literally taken while sitting in my desk chair.  How cool is that?

And finally, lest you think all I care about is the architecture, interior decor, and view, here's a picture of my and my officemates
From left to right, that's Bek, me, Alessandro, Fabrice, Attila (all of us interns), and Mike (our boss)
(I fear Bek and Mike will both think this isn't a great picture . . . ahh well)

Thanks, hope you guys enjoyed it!

Noah out


At April 8, 2011 at 4:29 PM , Blogger Irene said...

Thanks! It's nice to see where and with whom you spend your time. How did you get a photo with no one at their desks?

At April 9, 2011 at 3:09 AM , Blogger Noah said...

Haha I took those photos in the morning, cuz I was the first one in the office. I would be a little embarrassed to be taking so many pictures in front of everyone--but I figured they owed me the one group shot XD


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