Apr 6, 2011

Pics from around the neighborhood

Hey guys!

I wanted to write up a longer post about my office and my officemates, but it's late and I really need to get some sleep.  However, I thought I'd post a few pictures that have been sitting around on my hard drive for a while.  These pictures were taken around my neighborhood, probably during my walk only a day or two after getting to Budapest

Here's the neighborhood grocery store.  The prices are, let's be honest, not great, so I don't actually shop here very often.  But it's a cute little store (plus, I know it's just about a five minute brisk walk away from my house, so it's perfect for timing my warmup before I go for a run)

This is the local schoolyard.  Even though I know he probably left before he was old enough to go here, I choose to imagine Baby Tamas playing here--building castles in the sandbox, drinking his juice box at the picnic table, going down the slide and then immediately running around to the ladder to wait in line to go again.  I'm sure he was adorable

Speaking of Baby Tamas, look at his room!
Tiny room for tiny Tamas

And finally, I haven't had a chance to visit here, but this is the restaurant Remiz, less than a mile from my house.  I was told a while ago to treat myself, and when I get an occasion I will almost certainly do it here
The Bradt guidebook refers to it as "One of the city's best, if only it were more centrally located" . . . heh heh I can't wait!

Anyways, I'll try to put together a longer post later in the week, talking about my life and the office and all that.  Until then, later!

Noah out


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