Aug 16, 2011


Hey guys,

So, as I went around doing my final shopping and packed up my suitcases, I developed a theory that you can tell anything you need to know about a person based on their choices of souvenirs, mementos, and general purchases while living or visiting abroad.  Makes sense, yeah?  So, I thought for what will probably my penultimate post on this blog, I'd test this theory out on myself

Here is the list of the things that I did not bring out but will be taking back to the States with me (excepting presents for other people, etc. etc.) . . . the list is surprisingly short, really.  I guess most of my purchased were food XD
Anyways, here we go:
  • One English-language Hungarian cookbook (with pictures!)
  • One padlock (lock remaining in Hungary, keys returning to Seattle)
  • One copy Anna Karenina (in English)
(items purchased at SCM, cuz, you know, they were cheap):
  • One nice, going-out shirt, black
  • Two ties (for $5 each!!)
  • Two collapsible batons
  • One butterfly knife
(and finally, my last-minute, I'm-not-leaving-Hungary-without-these purchases yesterday):
  • Two jars pickled peppers
  • Two bottles Villany-region red wine
  • One kilogram paprika (the spicy kind, of course)
So, what do you think?  Can you tell everything you need to know about me based on this list?

Hmm . . .

Yup.  Pretty much

Noah out

Addendum:  For a truly complete picture, I suppose you should have the other side of the coin--things brought with me, left behind:
  • One rice cooker, left for Tamas and his family
  • One frisbee (a Professional Tractor disc, to boot), left as per Bek and Alessandro's request, that they may continue playing without me
Ok, now we have everything you need to know about me ;)


At August 16, 2011 at 8:42 AM , Blogger Mary said...

I would say, that you are a simple living type of guy that is a foodie. See you later tonight (I'll be with your mom, since my friend is coming in as well).

At August 18, 2011 at 4:38 AM , Blogger Michael Burnap said...

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